42 research outputs found

    Wardrop Equilibrium in Discrete-Time Selfish Routing with Time-Varying Bounded Delays

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    This paper presents a multi-commodity, discrete- time, distributed and non-cooperative routing algorithm, which is proved to converge to an equilibrium in the presence of heterogeneous, unknown, time-varying but bounded delays. Under mild assumptions on the latency functions which describe the cost associated to the network paths, two algorithms are proposed: the former assumes that each commodity relies only on measurements of the latencies associated to its own paths; the latter assumes that each commodity has (at least indirectly) access to the measures of the latencies of all the network paths. Both algorithms are proven to drive the system state to an invariant set which approximates and contains the Wardrop equilibrium, defined as a network state in which no traffic flow over the network paths can improve its routing unilaterally, with the latter achieving a better reconstruction of the Wardrop equilibrium. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Efficient and Risk-Aware Control of Electricity Distribution Grids

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    This article presents an economic model predictive control (EMPC) algorithm for reducing losses and increasing the resilience of medium-voltage electricity distribution grids characterized by high penetration of renewable energy sources and possibly subject to natural or malicious adverse events. The proposed control system optimizes grid operations through network reconfiguration, control of distributed energy storage systems (ESSs), and on-load tap changers. The core of the EMPC algorithm is a nonconvex optimization problem integrating the ESSs dynamics, the topological and power technical constraints of the grid, and the modeling of the cascading effects of potential adverse events. An equivalent (i.e., having the same optimal solution) proxy of the nonconvex problem is proposed to make the solution more tractable. Simulations performed on a 16-bus test distribution network validate the proposed control strategy

    Ensuring the Stability of Power Systems Against Dynamic Load Altering Attacks: A Robust Control Scheme Using Energy Storage Systems

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    This paper presents a robust protection scheme to protect the power transmission network against a class of feedback-based attacks referred in the literature as "Dynamic Load Altering Attacks" (D-LAAs). The proposed scheme envisages the usage of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) to avoid the destabilising effects that a malicious state feedback has on the power network generators. The methodologies utilised are based on results from polytopic uncertain systems, invariance theory and Lyapunov arguments. Numerical simulations on a test scenario validate the proposed approach

    Decentralised Model Predictive Control of Electric Vehicles Charging

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    This paper presents a decentralised control strategy for the management of simultaneous charging sessions of electric vehicles. The proposed approach is based on the model predictive control methodology and the Lagrangian decomposition of the constrained optimization problem which is solved at each sampling time. This strategy allows the computation of the charging profiles in a decentralised way, with limited information exchange between the electric vehicles. The simulation results show the potential of the proposed approach in relation to the problem of shaving the aggregated power withdrawal from the electricity distribution grid, while still satisfying drivers’ preferences for charging

    Automatic Transportation Mode Recognition on Smartphone Data Based on Deep Neural Networks

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    In the last few years, with the exponential diffusion of smartphones, services for turn-by-turn navigation have seen a surge in popularity. Current solutions available in the market allow the user to select via an interface the desired transportation mode, for which an optimal route is then computed. Automatically recognizing the transportation system that the user is travelling by allows to dynamically control, and consequently update, the route proposed to the user. Such a dynamic approach is an enabling technology for multi-modal transportation planners, in which the optimal path and its associated transportation solutions are updated in real-time based on data coming from (i) distributed sensors (e.g., smart traffic lights, road congestion sensors, etc.); (ii) service providers (e.g., car-sharing availability, bus waiting time, etc.); and (iii) the user’s own device, in compliance with the development of smart cities envisaged by the 5G architecture. In this paper, we present a series of Machine Learning approaches for real-time Transportation Mode Recognition and we report their performance difference in our field tests. Several Machine Learning-based classifiers, including Deep Neural Networks, built on both statistical feature extraction and raw data analysis are presented and compared in this paper; the result analysis also highlights which features are proven to be the most informative ones for the classification

    Deep reinforcement learning control of white-light continuum generation

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    White-light continuum (WLC) generation in bulk media finds numerous applications in ultrafast optics and spectroscopy. Due to the complexity of the underlying spatiotemporal dynamics, WLC optimization typically follows empirical procedures. Deep reinforcement learning (RL) is a branch of machine learning dealing with the control of automated systems using deep neural networks. In this Letter, we demonstrate the capability of a deep RL agent to generate a long-term-stable WLC from a bulk medium without any previous knowledge of the system dynamics or functioning. This work demonstrates that RL can be exploited effectively to control complex nonlinear optical experiments

    Traffic Steering and Network Selection in 5G Networks based on Reinforcement Learning

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    This paper presents a controller for the problem of Network Selection in 5G Networks, based on Reinforcement Learning. The problem of Network Selection and Traffic Steering is modeled as a Markov Decision Process and a Q- Learning based control solution is designed to meet 5G requirements, such as Quality of Experience (QoE) maximization, Quality of Service (QoS) assurance and load balancing. Numerical simulations preliminarily validate the proposed approach on a simulated scenario considered in the European project H2020 5G-ALLSTAR

    On the optimization of energy storage system placement for protecting power transmission grids against dynamic load altering attacks

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    In this paper a power system protection scheme based on energy storage system placement against closed-loop dynamic load altering attacks is proposed. The protection design consists in formulating a non-convex optimization problem, subject to a Lyapunov stability constraint and solved using a two-step iterative procedure. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the approach and the potential relevance of using energy storage systems in support of primary frequency regulation services

    Operations Management of Satellite Launch Centers

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    Driven by the business potentialities of the satellite industry, the last years witnessed a massive increase of attention in the space industry. This sector has been always considered critical by national entities and international organizations worldwide due to economic, cultural, scientific, military and civil implications. The need of cutting down satellite launch costs has become even more impellent due to the competition generated by the entrance in the sector of new players, including commercial organizations. Indeed, the high demand of satellite services requires affordable and flexible launch. In this context, a fundamental aspect is represented by the optimization of launch centers' logistics. The aim of this paper is to investigate and review the benefits and potential impact that consolidated operations research and management strategies, coupled with emerging paradigms in machine learning and control can have in the satellite industry, surveying techniques which could be adopted in advanced operations management of satellite launch centers

    Artificial Intelligence in Classical and Quantum Photonics

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    The last decades saw a huge rise of artificial intelligence (AI) as a powerful tool to boost industrial and scientific research in a broad range of fields. AI and photonics are developing a promising two-way synergy: on the one hand, AI approaches can be used to control a number of complex linear and nonlinear photonic processes, both in the classical and quantum regimes; on the other hand, photonics can pave the way for a new class of platforms to accelerate AI-tasks. This review provides the reader with the fundamental notions of machine learning (ML) and neural networks (NNs) and presents the main AI applications in the fields of spectroscopy and chemometrics, computational imaging (CI), wavefront shaping and quantum optics. The review concludes with an overview of future developments of the promising synergy between AI and photonics